A VIDEO that shows churches how to help people struggling with
debt to find free advice and support is the latest weapon in the
Archbishop of Canterbury's war against debt.
The two-hour film, Guiding People to Free Debt Advice: A
debt awareness and signposting workshop, is designed to train
church staff and volunteers to identify among their congregations
and friends anyone who could be heavily in debt. The video,
available as a free download or a DVD, also aims to enable churches
to show anyone struggling with debt where they can find
professional advice.
Archbishop Welby said: "Helping people to get out of debt, and
freeing them from the [associated] anxiety and exploitation, is
part of the Church's commitment to human flourishing. I welcome
this new training resource to help local churches play a vital role
in encouraging people to seek assistance earlier, and to make use
of the many free debt advice services that are available."
The resource was produced by the Money Advice Trust in
partnership with Archbishop Welby's Task Group on Responsible
Credit and Savings.
Christians Against Poverty runs debt-advice centres out of
churches across the UK. The charity's founder, John Kirby, said
that, while debt appeared to be insurmountable, everyone could help
without specialist knowledge. "
All that is needed is compassion, and the information to
signpost to the services out there which will do the complex
financial work. This new resource [will] help Christians feel
confident in being that vital link in the chain."