JEREMY PAXMAN, interviewed before the election for this month's
Third Way (,
was disparaging about politics today. "I think politics is in a
terrible state. A really, really terrible state." He believes
profoundly in politics, - "I don't think we have any other way of
sorting out our differences, short of violence" - but believes,
too, that changes are necessary. "We need absolutely to get away
from this idea of a professional political class. I mean, I would
start with the basics: don't let people go into politics until
they've done something else." More than 600 politicians emerged
successful out of the election period, but few emerged well.
A chief complaint throughout the election was that politics had
become a profession, often a dynastic one. It was a view that Nigel
Farage, the one-time (so far) leader of UKIP, exploited so well,
taking every opportunity to appear as unlike a career politician as
he could - despite his being one. There are signs that Conservative
constituency selection committees are fighting back, although the
range of favoured alternative professions is limited. Labour is
almost certain to follow suit. A note of caution: a decade or two
back, the Church declared that it wanted clergy who had seen a bit
of outside life before ordination. It took a while to realise that
this policy was incompatible with the desire for young clergy. The
Church came to its senses. A degree of inexperience can be
accommodated if countered by enthusiasm and tempered by humility.
The latter quality is more easily found in the Church than in
politics, of course. Those humbled by last Friday morning are no
longer politicians. Experience is crucial, of course, but it does
not trump ability. Westminster is no longer such a desirable
location that it can choose to be picky about whom it attracts.
In the standard acceptance speech, the victor expresses his or
her determination to represent all constituents regardless of how
they voted. David Cameron has started well, referring to
"one-nation" Toryism, and telling his Cabinet: "We're here to give
everyone in our country the chance to make the most of their life."
He went on to mention "the chance to get on". Reliance on chance,
however, tends to favour only the few. Those sitting round the
Cabinet table are, of course, among those who have got on. Many of
them, like Mr Cameron, started pretty far on, thanks to their
upbringing. Their challenge is to understand the acute struggles of
those in society who are unable to make the most of their lives
without considerable assistance.
The record of the past five years of coalition government is not
spotless in this respect; nor is it encouraging that Mr Cameron
will have to appease his right wing in order to keep UKIP at bay,
raising the prospect of tougher austerity measures. Also, a party
in its second term of office tends to become more tribal and
self-interested. Mr Cameron will need to work hard to gain the
people's trust.