HIGHLIGHT: Good Morning Sunday Hardeep Singh
Kohli's guest is the founder of L'Arche, Jean Vanier.
7am Radio 2 Sunday
TELEVISION: Sunday 4.50pm (BBC1) Songs of
Praise: School Choir of the Year The winners in both the
Junior and Senior categories are named.
RADIO: Sunday 8.10am (R4) Sunday
Worship A service from St Andrew's and St George's West
Church, Edinburgh, on the opening weekend of the General Assembly
of the Church of Scotland.
9.30am (World Service) Heart and Soul
Rustam Qobil meets the Muslim Uighers living in hiding in
3pm (R3) Choral Evensong A repeat of
last Wednesday's service from St Pancras New Church, London.
Monday 9am (R4) Start the Week Andrew
Marr and guests discuss the notion of equality.
8pm (R4) Can Pay Won't Pay At what
point does paying tax become a moral issue?
Tuesday 9.30am (R4) Witness Mike
Lanchin hears from two people who were in the church in El Salvador
when Archbishop Oscar Romero was shot.
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3) Choral Evensong
livefrom Lichfield Cathedral.
8pm (R4) Unreliable Evidence Clive
Anderson and a panel of experts examine the suggestion that the UK
should withdraw from human-rights legislation.
Thursday 9am (R4) In Our Time Melvyn
Bragg and guests discuss the first-century historian and author of
The Jewish War, Josephus.
10pm (R3) Free Thinking Steve Hilton
asks if progress is making us inhuman.