Annual day of prayer to tackle climate change
POPE FRANCIS has created an annual day of prayer dedicated to the environment, the Vatican said on Friday. World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is to be celebrated on 1 September, to draw attention to the issue of climate change and reaffirm Christians’ “personal vocation to be stewards of creation”.
Physicist and winner of 2009 Templeton Prize dies
THE French physicist, philosopher, and winner of the Templeton Prize Laureate, Professor Bernard d’Espagnat, has died, aged 93. Professor d’Espagnat, recognised for his work on quantum physics and its impact on the definition of reality, died on 1 August. His book On Physics and Philosophy, published in 2002, was hailed as the most complete book to have been written on the subject (News, 20 March 2009).
World Food Programme halves rations for Iraqi refugees
THE United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has been forced to cut down the amount food it provides to the displaced people in Iraq, after being hit by a severe lack of funding. WFP began channelling its funds in April to focus on the internally displaced inside refugee camps, leaving thousands of families outside with half their monthly food ration. The operation is currently underfunded by 61 per cent.