From Mr Ronald Caseby
Sir, — The news is to be welcomed that incense burnt in church may be prohibited under laws to criminalise recreational substances that produce “highs” in humans (News, 24 July).
It has long been publicised that frankincense or myrrh burnt at a high temperature on charcoal produces incense particulates dangerous to health, especially to the well-being of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, toddlers, teenagers, those with lung, eye, heart, and chest conditions, the disabled, and the elderly.
The C of E’s highest authorities have known these facts for more than ten years; for I have told them and provided proof. That evidence has been ignored by all concerned.
God made some trees that absorb chemicals dangerous to air-breathing life from the atmosphere. Before the concentration of this nastiness kills these trees, they extrude it, trapped in harmless gum that hardens, falls off, and is then no longer deadly. Priests now burn that gum in the pretence that God likes it, and so release those poisons into the lungs of worshippers.
10 Lincoln Green, Chichester
West Sussex PO19 5DN