The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the story of the
flood by Irving Finkel (Hodder, £8.99 (£8.10);
978-1-444-75708-8). New in paperback.
Archbishop by Michele Guinness (Hodder, £9.99
(£9); 978-1-444-75337-0). New in paperback.
Are You Ready? Preparing young people to live their
confirmation by Pete Maidment (SPCK, £14.99
(£13.50); 978-0-281-07149-4).
Church Linen, Vestments and Textiles: A practical guide
to their use and care by Margery Roberts (Canterbury
Press, £8.99 (£8.10); 978-1-84825-740-5).
Readings for Funerals, compiled by Mark Oakley
(SPCK, £12.99 (£11.70); 978-0-281-07180-7)