THE Dean of Truro, the Very Revd Roger Bush, was in one of the
few areas in the country to escape the cloud cover that hid the
solar eclipse at the end of last month. His reward, naturally, was
to appear in this competition.
Several readers recalled the previous caption competition,
another sky-gazing scene. "Fr John feared that, having
ignored the Rapture a couple of weeks ago, someone had now opened
the sixth seal" (Christopher Tookey); and "Ah, so
that's what my colleagues in the previous caption competition were
looking at" (Dennis Abbott).
Typical of a C of E readership was the focus on the
refreshments: "The light may have gone from the sun, the
end of the world may be nigh, but there'll always be someone to
ask, 'More tea, Vicar?'" (Alison Rollin); "So this
is what I have to do to earn a cup of coffee, is it?" (Ben
Woods); "What can be better than a Damascus Road moment
followed by a cup of coffee?" (Michael Watts); and
"The Rapture had taken Mrs MacPherson with the
teapot" (Patrick Irwin).
Besides the cups of coffee, it was remarkable the details that
readers could spot (no, the colostomy-bag joke was not funny,
reader who shall remain nameless). Special commendation to William
Petts, for: "The verger's stifled yawn went unnoticed by
the vicar's revelation."
Talking of the Rapture: "OMG. . . It is OMG"
(William Petts); "It was going to be tricky to explain to
the Sunday congregation that it was the Rapture, and he wasn't in
it" (Dave Sargent); and ". . . always remembering,
of course, not to look directly at the light of salvation"
(George Frost).
A few at random: "The vicar's re-enactment of the
conversion of St Paul was going to plan" (Richard Frost);
"For now we see through a glass darkly. . . ."
(John Bowman); "Fr David was momentarily distracted from
his study of the solar eclipse when he happened to spot Bathsheba
taking her morning shower" (Michael Foster); "The
Dean had no idea that the Bishop was a naturist" (John
Penny); "The Dean took to busking like a duck to
water" (Bill Scott); "Who is going to tell him
that the eclipse was yesterday?" (Kim Styles); and
"It's behind you, Mr Dean" (David Elkington).
We particularly enjoyed: "No, Vicar, that's not the way
to take a selfie. . ." (William Petts); "The new
Bishop of Islington assembled everything he would need for his
first visit to HTB: smartphone, protective glasses, and two cups of
coffee" (Edward Mynors); "Roger the Dean couldn't
remember the last time he'd been eclipsed by anything"
(Caspar Bush - no relation, though that's the sort of insult you'd
expect from one); "Nobody had expected Poldark to ride up
the High Street without his shirt" (Patrick Irwin); and
"You're right, with these two teabags tied together I can
see right into the heart of the nation's spiritual needs"
(John Keeling).
Special Easter chocolate, courtesy of Divine (,
to our two winners.
Too late Mrs Smith realised that her cup of "special"tea
had been given to the vicar
George Frost
The Dean practises his Elton John
David Elkington
Have a go at our next caption-competition picture
(above). Entries must reach us by Friday 17 April.
by post (postcards only)
to: Caption Competition, Church Times, 3rd
floor, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG
by fax to: 020 7490 7093
by email to: