From the Deans of Wakefield, Bradford, and Ripon
Sir, - We were fortunate to take part in the recent Mini MBA
laid on for deans and for incumbents of some of our greater
churches. Organised by the Judge Business School in Cambridge, the
course offered outstanding teaching, and a level of empathy and
understanding for our context far beyond our expectations.
We learned to look differently at our roles, our teams, and our
churches, and were given a new vocabulary and skill set, wholly
complementary to our previous theological formation, that will help
us refocus our work and organisations to respond more effectively
to some of our present challenges.
We realise the Green report has come in for a good deal of
criticism across the Church, but, if these are its first-fruits,
there is much to be grateful for. We hope that many more clergy
will be able to benefit from a similar experience.
Jonathan Greener, Jerry Lepine, John Dobson
c/o Cathedral Centre, 8-10 Westmorland
Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF1 1PJ