"Settling the Peace of the Church": 1662
N. H. Keeble, editor
OUP £60
Church Times Bookshop £54
IN THE mid-17th century, at the time of the Civil War and the
Cromwellian aftermath, the fabric of the Church of England "as we
know it" was dismantled.
The Book of Common Prayer and with it the Christian Year,
including Christmas and Easter, were abolished. The bishops were
turned out of office, and cathedral foundations were dissolved. The
Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, preceded his sovereign,
Charles I, to the block. Parish churches and cathedrals were
vandalised and desecrated. Exeter Cathedral, for example, was
divided by a brick wall between the nave (where the Independents
stood for worship) and the choir (where the Presbyterians could
Many loyal Anglican parochial clergy were hounded out of their
livings. A Presbyterian majority and an Independent
(congregationalist) minority invaded the national Church and its
pulpits, while Baptist and Quaker separatist communities mushroomed
outside it. Religious chaos and national insecurity contributed to
the desire to bring back the monarchy, and the Restoration took
place in 1660.
Charles II had indicated that he would seek to accommodate
"tender consciences", and for a short while there were hopes of a
comprehensive national Church that could include the Presbyterians,
perhaps incorporating a "reduced episcopacy" in which bishops would
share oversight with presbyters. But the bishops who returned to
office from exile or from an underground ministry were in no mood
to compromise with those who had devastated the Church and beheaded
"the Lord's anointed". Charles II also, mindful of the advice of
his grandfather, James I, who famously said, on the basis of bitter
Scottish experiences, "No bishop, no king", and of the fate of his
own father, had second thoughts - or perhaps they were his first
thoughts all along.
The concerns of the Puritans or Reformists (the nomenclature is
far from straightforward) were largely dismissed at the Savoy
Conference of 1661, and what emerged was a further revision of
Thomas Cranmer's Prayer Book as the Book of Common Prayer, 1662,
which formed the staple of Anglican worship in the Church of
England and many countries of what later became the Anglican
Communion for several centuries. But there was a huge cost in the
haemorrhage of probably more than 1000 ministers (the figure
depends on how it is calculated) who were unable to accept the BCP,
including the Ordinal that required episcopal ordination, which
became law by the Act of Uniformity, 1662. By St Bartholomew's Day
(24 August) they were required to conform or quit. The exodus is
known as the Great Ejection.
No doubt some who left were bigoted, truculent, or
hyper-scrupulous, but there were also, as the Anglican philosopher
and advocate of (restricted) toleration John Locke put it, "a very
great number of worthy, learned, pious, and orthodox Divines". For
the Church of England, the Great Ejection was a great
So, while Anglicans remain profoundly thankful for the
restoration of liturgical worship and episcopal ordination in the
matchless BCP, the Nonconformists (as they now became) felt
unjustly persecuted and cast out. What 1662 definitely did not do
was to "settle the peace of the Church". Instead, it had the making
of a true tragedy, engender-ing deep feelings of bitterness on the
part of those excluded, which are not entirely a thing of the past.
In recent years, the Church of England has engaged in theological
conversations with the heirs of the 17th-century Dissenters, in the
United Reformed Church, and with the successors of the 16th- and
17th-century separatists, the Baptists. The "ecumenical canons" (B
43 and B 44) make meaningful "shared ministry" possible. In
February 2012, a remarkable joint service of "Reconciliation,
Healing of Memories, and Mutual Commitment" between the Church of
England and the United Re- formed Church took place in Westminster
After a concise narrative of events by the volume's editor, this
collection of scholarly studies focuses in detail on several key
aspects of "1662". Contributors examine the notion of "things
indifferent" (adiaphora), on which compromise might have
been possible but did not happen; the motives of Henry Hyde, later
Earl of Clarendon, a key player in the Restoration "settlement";
the repercussions in Ireland, Scotland, Holland, and New England;
the stance of John Bunyan, a Baptist, who chose imprisonment rather
than worship out of a book in his parish church; the testament of
Richard Baxter and the competing narratives of the sufferings of
Nonconformist ministers and Conformist clergy, each wanting to
prove that their side endured more pain and privation than the
other during these violent decades.
Libraries will want this densely referenced work for their
history, theology, and English-literature shelves. All who study
the momentous events of the mid-17th century, which have left their
mark on both the Anglican and the Nonconformist churches of today,
will need to get hold of it.
The Revd Dr Paul Avis is a former General Secretary of the
Council for Christian Unity, honorary professor of theology at the
University of Exeter, a Chaplain to the Queen, and editor-in-chief
of Ecclesiology.