A CRICKET match is being arranged between a team under the
auspices of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Vatican. It is to
be played at the Kent CC ground in Canterbury on Friday 19
September. It is the first of its kind, a unique and exciting way
to extend the degree of co-operation - or should that be
competition? - between two branches of Christ's Church.
The Vatican is selecting a team from among its international
seminarians, and so we aim to do the equivalent from among the
British theological colleges and courses.
Do you want to play in the match? We're looking for a pool of
ordinands with cricketing experience. It doesn't have to be county
standard, but school or college experience would be good. It goes
without saying that it would be good to have women playing in the
match, and that's probably up to the Anglicans.
There will be a selection session before Petertide. Successful
team members would be expected to be available for training
sessions, possibly in July and certainly in early September (dates
to be determined), and during the week of the match. Those who have
secured a place in theological college or on a course that begins
in the autumn are also eligible to apply. We're looking for funding
to assist with travel, etc. (Any offers of financial assistance to
This is being seen by all concerned as a significant opportunity
to demonstrate how easily ecclesiastical boundaries can be crossed
- especially if you have some decent batsmen and -women in your
To be considered for this event, email
cricket@churchtimes.co.uk. Please give full contact details, your
theological college/course, and list any relevant cricketing or
other sporting experience, as well as any particular strengths you
have: spin bowler, batting, etc.