THE longest-serving bishop still in office in the Anglican
Communion, the Rt Revd Dinis Sengulane, who retired earlier this
year (News, 28 March), came to the UK to celebrate his 38 years of
episcopal ministry in Mozambique with his diocesan companion link
in London, the Angola London Mozambique
Association (ALMA), and the Mozambique and Angola Anglican
Association (MANNA).
A special MANNA service was held in St John's, Waterloo, and one
in St Paul's Cathedral, to mark the 16th ALMA Sunday.
Representatives from the British Museum and Chatham House were
"Ola paz" ("Hello peace") is the acclamation associated
with Bishop Sengulane. Since the end of the civil war in
Mozambique, in 2002, through the project he set up - Transforming
Arms into Tools - he has helped to take no fewer than 900,000
weapons out of use, and turn them into sculptures such as The
Throne of Weapons and Tree of Life, which are in the
British Museum. He is a member of the Council of State, and one of
five mediators working to secure peace after the recent unrest.
Peace and reconciliation, he says, will be at the heart of his work
during his retirement.
During the ALMA service in the cathedral, Bishop Sengulane and
the former chair of ALMA, the Rt Revd Michael Colclough, were
presented with ALMA stoles in recognition of their service to the
partnership between Angola, London, and Mozambique. They then
prayed for the Bishop of Kensington, the RtRevd Paul Williams, who
was commissioned as the new Bishop for ALMA, and the Archdeacon of
Hackney, the Ven. Rachel Treweek, who is the new chair of the