THE Women's Institute will be 100 years old next year, and
members are carrying their Centenary Baton around the country,
visiting each Federation in the run-up to their celebrations. Three
weeks ago, it was the turn of the Huntingdon and Peterborough
Federation, and 160 WI members brought their baton to
Peterborough Cathedral.
They had guided tours of the cathedral before posing for a
photograph with Canon Ian Black and with their chairman, Sally
Dalley, holding the baton (above). The picture will be
included on a memory stick and placed inside the baton. They then
had tea, followed by choral evensong, which included members and
the choir enthusiastically singing "Jerusalem", which has become
the WI anthem.
They had received the baton from the Leicester and Rutland
Federation, Mrs Dalley said, and would be handing it on to the Isle
of Ely Federation at the end of their week. "Whilst it is in our
care, we are holding various events. The biggest one was at
Peterborough Cathedral: we were overwhelmed by the number of people
who wanted to come."