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UK news in brief

07 February 2014


The Bishop of Gloucester, the Right Revd Michael Perham

The Bishop of Gloucester, the Right Revd Michael Perham

Bishop of Gloucester to retire this year

THE Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Michael Perham, announced on Saturday that he will retire in November, when he will have served in the diocese for more than ten years. He described them as "happy, stimulating, and fruitful years, full of blessing". He is also President of Affirming Catholicism and a Vice-President of WATCH.

RC adoption-agency ruling overturned

AN ADOPTION agency run by the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland should not lose its charitable status, the Scottish Charity Appeals Panel ruled on Friday. The panel overturned a ruling by the Scottish Charity regulator that St Margaret's Children and Family Care Society should lose its status over its refusal to place children with same-sex couples.

Grave conversations planned for Lichfield

DEATH will be the topic of conversation at informal, café-style gatherings in churches in the diocese of Lichfield this month. They are being trialled as part of a research project about funerals throughout the Church of England. "Grave Talk" will give people the opportunity to discuss questions about death, including the planning of their own funeral, and how they would like to be remembered. The project will be run in 30 parishes until the end of this month.

Methodists join Churches' credit union

THE Methodist Council announced on Thursday of last week that it would become a partner to the Churches Mutual Credit Union (CMCU), an alliance between the Anglican Churches in Britain, the Church of Scotland, and the Methodist Church in Britain. The Revd Dr Malcolm Brown, the Church of England's Director of Mission and Public Affairs, said that the CMCU "looks set fair to launch this summer". It will initially be open to Methodist ministers.

Bishop of Carlisle to hear evidence on welfare reforms

THE Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Revd James Newcome, will chair a Cumbrian county commission reviewing the impact of current and proposed welfare reforms, it was announced this week. The commission has been established at the request of the Cumbria Leaders Board, comprising "key public and third-sector leaders in the county". Evidence from charities, community organisations, and individuals will be collected over the coming months.


In a report of a safeguarding protocol (News, 24 January), we quoted an official statement that members of the SCCA survivors group had been given copies of proposed legislation. The statement turns out to have been incorrect. A formal apology has been sent to the group.

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