From the Rt Revd the Lord Carey of Clifton
Sir, - Mr Bernard Cartwright (Letters, 31
January) states that in my sermon in Chester Cathedral to mark
the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity I had spoken of the
"irrelevance of ARCIC". Clearly Mr Cartwright wasn't there; neither
is he a recipient of an accurate report of what I actually
In fact, I am an enthusiast for theological agreement, and I
believe that our union with Rome is far closer today, largely
because of the work of ARCIC. I thought that I had said clearly
enough that "theological discussions can take us only so far. What
we can all do is to express our unity in service and mission."
House of Lords
London SW1A 0PW
From Mr Steve Vince
Sir, - Poor old George Carey: damned if he does and damned if he
doesn't. In one issue of the Church Times we have the
Bernard Cartwrights of this world taking him to task for siding
with the so-called liberals over women priests, and we have the
Andrew Browns (Press) of this world damning him for doing the
opposite over practising homosexuality.
To explain the facts on both matters to Messrs Cartwright and
Brown would almost certainly, alas, be a waste of breath. Ah well!
We can but hope that Lord Carey will see the funny side of it.
13 Selwyn Close
Wolverhampton WV2 4NQ