Your answers
What should we do with unwanted books - theological and
other topics - when downsizing for retirement?
I went online and found there were several organisations that
took theological and devotional books. I chose Book Aid, which
sends mainly to churches and colleges in Africa. Books that are not
suitable are sold in its London outlet. Book Aid has local
representatives all over the country. You fill in your address
(online), and are told the telephone number of the nearest
volunteer, who will give you an address.
Jean James
Please get in touch with your regional ministry training course
(via the diocese). Regional students do not always have ready
access to theological libraries, and are likely to be grateful for
any useful books. I have been over the past three years.
Philip Green (Ordinand, Eastern Region Ministry
Potters Bar, Herts
Feed the Minds sent me details of what overseas institutions
wanted and didn't want. I filled 17 large cartons with what they
needed, and a volunteer driver collected them.
(Canon) John Goodchild
Take them to your local hospital for the bookstall. Every
hospital I have been in sells books at 50p to raise money for
"extra patient treats". Our local Co-op also has a scheme.
Pauline Ratcliffe
Clifton-on-Teme, Worcester
The Revd Dr Michael Brett-Crowther, of the Order of the Orthodox
Hospitallers, and I were at college together. The charity he helps
to administer in the UK has funds to send Bibles and theological
books to India, Africa, and wherever there is a need. I sent a
large consignment to the Bishop of Kuching after the Anglican
theological college's library was burnt down - all transport costs
paid by Michael.(The Revd) Russ Naylor
If you have an account, see if some of them are saleable through
Amazon, which takes a percentage, but the potential market is
(The Revd) Judi Hattaway
Arborfield, Berks
Address for answers and more questions: Out of the Question,
Church Times, 3rd floor, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden
Lane, London EC1Y 0TG.