From Mr C. D. C. Armstrong
Sir, -The Revd Dr Robert Beaken's suggestion that King
Charles I had Asperger's syndrome (Comment, 22
August) was of particular interest to me, not only because I am
a historian, but also because I was diagnosed with the condition
eight years ago.
While Dr Beaken's suggestion is of some interest, however, I am
not sure that the reasons he gives for making it are adequate. He
draws attention to the King's inflexibility as indicative of
Asperger's; but other types of behaviour would have to be examined
before a posthumous diagnosis could be said to be plausible. These
include obsessive interests, a need for structure and routine, a
desire for sameness, and heightened sensory sensitivity.
Flat 2a, Ulidia House
Belfast BT12 5JN