How the Bible Became Holy
Michael L. Satlow
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MICHAEL SATLOW's concern is not how the Bible reached its
present form, but how it acquired authority. His conclusion is that
"Jews and Christians gave to the texts that constitute our Bible
only very limited and specific kinds of authority until well into
the third century CE and beyond."
The author divides his study into three periods: (i) the
Israelite, Judahite, and Persian periods (922-350 BCE); (ii) the
Greek period up to Roman ascent in the Near East (350-63 BCE); and
(iii) the Roman period (4 BCE-220 CE).
Central to his analysis is the part played by the scribes
responsible for writing the texts regarded not as sacred, but as
the "stuff of their trade and learning". By the time of the fall of
Jerusalem, scribes would have produced a variety of texts, which,
Satlow conjectures, would have been placed in the temple library.
Yet there was no Bible and no sense of reliance on the authority of
texts, save for prophetic oracles seen as the words of Yahweh. They
were, though, subject to revision.
Satlow continues by examining the gradual build-up of the texts
that would eventually form the Bible. But still the scrolls had
very limited authority. It was the Sadducees who "developed the
notion that authoritative texts or scripture had normative
authority that should guide religious practice". Until then, the
texts were regarded as material to be used for educational
purposes, or consulted for oracles. Throughout his work, Satlow
emphasises the very limited number of people able to read.
He discusses both the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls
acknowledging that the community at Qumran had a "loose but not
closed canon". Unlike the situation outside Judaea, it was only
around the time of Jesus that synagogues spread out from Jerusalem
as places to read and teach Torah, although the author argues that
for Jesus scripture itself played a minimal part. It was Paul who
first saw the meaning of Jesus's life "through the lens of
Satlow examines the four Gospels, noting that for the Synoptic
authors scripture gave proof that Jesus was Messiah, while Jesus
gave authority to scripture. John avoided proof texts, but used
scripture to show how blind Jews were to their own authoritative
The importance of the Nag Hammadi finds are then considered,
followed by the attitude of Josephus, Justin Martyr, Marcion, and
Irenaeus to scripture, all of whom were engaged in some form of
canon formation. But Christians did not venerate the texts: it was
the message that was important.
Finally, Satlow turns to the rabbis who in contrast chose text
over message. While the rabbis never confronted the issue of the
canon, they cited proof texts from every book of the present Jewish
In the third century CE, "the Bible" did not exist. Christians
were the first to form a canon of scripture with Athanasius
nominating "the precise list of books in Old and New Testaments
that (right-believing) Christians should consider holy". But
different forms of the Bible soon emerged so that even today there
is no one authoritative Christian Bible. In contrast, Maimonides,
in the 11th century CE, declared the Aleppo Codex the standard text
for Judaism.
The importance of this brave and exhaustive examination can
hardly be exaggerated. It deserves to be widely read. It will
certainly not go unchallenged. But Satlow forces those engaged in
biblical studies to question their own assumptions before they can
challenge his.
Canon Anthony Phillips is a former headmaster of The King's
School, Canterbury.