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05 December 2014

The Bible

JOHN GOLDINGAY uses personal anecdotes and his own theological study in Psalms for Everyone: Part 1. This volume covers Psalms 1 to 72, and seeks to help readers to apply the lessons of the Psalms to their lives (SPCK, £9.99 (£9); 978-0-281-06133-4).

Deanna A. Thompson tackles Deuteronomy, and considers the implications of the three speeches of Moses to the people of Israel in the course of their wilderness peregrinations (WJK Press, £27.99 (£25.20); 978-0-664-23343-3).

In The Pentateuch, Walter J. Houston, a URC minister, seeks to introduce the books to students with limited experience in biblical studies. He provides further guides to study and to personal reading (SCM Press, £30 (£27); 978-0-334-04385-0).

Ecclesiastes is the subject of Richard P. Belcher's commentary, in which he set out ways in which scholars have understood the book, together with his own exegetical interpretation, with homiletical implications (Evangelical Press, £19.99 (£18); 978-0852-34985-4).

Dale Ralph Davis, a former elder at Woodland Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, USA, explores The Message of Daniel in the series The Bible Speaks Today (IVP, £9.99 (£9); 978-1-84474-801-3). In the same series, Chris Green, a lecturer in preaching and church-planting at Oak Hill, considers The Message of the Church, as he seeks to find out what the Bible is saying to Churches and their pastors in today's world (IVP, £12.99 (£11.70); 978-1-84474-878-5).

Sin, repentance, assurance, law, love, and the missionary call are some of the 50 themes explored in The Bible Student. Peter Sammons, the editor, explains that this is a modern reworking of a 1930s manual Every Man a Bible Student, which evolved from the Ruanda Mission (Glory to Glory Publications, www.glorytoglory.co.uk, £8.99; 978-0-9567831-6-5).

Jordan Scheetz explains his own theory, which he then applies to a specific biblical book in The Concept of Canonical Intertextuality and the Book of Daniel. Before laying out his ideas, he looks at the work of others in this area (James Clarke & Co., £15; 978-0-227-68020-9).

Cover to Cover Complete is an edition of the NIV Bible, which divides the text into daily chunks. The editors, Selwyn Hughes and Trevor Partridge, have arranged the material in what they believe to be chronological order. The idea is that readers will manage to read the whole OT and NT in a year, and understand the events of scripture as they happened (CWR, £24.99 (£22.50); 978-1-85345-804-0).

Anne Le Tissier has taken 32 names and titles for Jesus and written a devotionally based Bible study on each. The material was originally published as articles in the magazine Woman Alive. Each ends with a "taking it further" section, offering questions for reflection, a prayer and/or suggested Bible passages to read. Jesus: Name above all names is published by BRF (£8.99 (£8.10); 978-0-85746-085-1).

Cephas Tushima argues against the long-standing tradition that David was a hero, and shows how instead he acted unjustly and villainously against the house of Saul, whose power he usurped. The Fate of Saul's Progeny in the Reign of David is a revised copy of his Ph.D. thesis (James Clarke & Co., £25.50; 978-0-227-68036-0).

The Straight to the Heart of . . . series is a collection of books aimed at helping readers to understand the books of the Bible and their message more fully. In 60 "bite-sized insights", Phil Moore guides non-specialists through the Gospel of John with a devotional bent (978-0-85721-253-5) and the books of 1 and 2 Samuel (978-0-85721-252-8). Published by Monarch, each costs £8.99 (£8.10).

The books in the Insights series contain extracts from the writing of William Barclay on particular subjects. They are short (around 80 pages), small-sized paperbacks. Forgiveness: What the Bible tells us about Christian forgiveness has a foreword by Margaret Forrester (Saint Andrew Press, £7.99 (£7.20); 978-0-7152-0934-9).

The A. W. Tozer Bible has a somewhat misleading name, since it is an edition of the King James Version, enlarged with the addition of short pieces from the writings of Tozer, either directly related to the Bible passage on the same page, or a more general reflection (Hendrickson, £25.99 (£23.40); 978-1-59856-722-9).

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