From Canon Colin Craston
Sir, - The Global South Primates are deeply concerned about
divisions in the Anglican Communion clearly manifest in matters
such as homosexuality and gender issues. They want the Archbishop
of Canterbury to call a Primates' Meeting in 2015 to address these
concerns. They need to be reminded that the government of the
Church in Anglicanism is not simply decided by episcopal
It is "episcopal leadership in council with clergy and laity",
in other words, synodical. The Lambeth Conference in the 20th
century had to learn that, and so the Anglican Consultative Council
(ACC) emerged. Throughout the century, Provinces and dioceses
adopted synodical government.
This could be seen as a modern adaptation of the Reformation Age
association of the House of Bishops with Parliament, in place of
papal dictatorship. It could also be argued that the pattern of
government in the New Testament was by decision of full church
membership, which could include slaves, with apostolic
So, let us not depend on Primates alone to solve Anglican
divisions. I recall with gratitude times in the past when the
Primates and the ACC worked together. The Resolution of the Lambeth
1998 Conference, dealing with homosexuality, indicated that the
Primates and the ACC should pursue the debate. Clearly, it
was not decided by that somewhat unsatisfactory debate.
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