America's Pastor: Billy Graham and the shaping of a
Grant Wacker
Harvard University Press £20
Church Times Bookshop £18 (Use code CT292
GRANT WACKER has written not a biography of Dr Billy Graham, but
a broad evaluation of the man and his lifelong influence on the
culture of the United States. On the whole, it is an appreciative
account of one whom Wacker ranks - together with Martin Luther King
and St John Paul II - among the best-known and most influential
Christian figures of the latter half of the last century.
This is not, however, an uncritical account. Even though Wacker
is inclined to make allowances for some of Dr Graham's failings as
he narrates them, his final summation is very even-handed.
Dr Graham's enormous celebrity is attributed here to a
combination of factors, including his physical attractiveness, a
compelling voice, a message that was close to the existing beliefs
of his audience, and the firm integrity with which he conducted
both his private life and the practices of his evangelistic
enterprise. The temptation that he found most difficult to resist
was the lure of partisan politics, which became the arena where he
was most apt to appear compromised, particularly through his
relationship with Richard Nixon.
Wacker has, for the most part, set aside Dr Graham's worldwide
evangelistic activity in order to concentrate on his relationship
with the American audience. He sees Dr Graham as sharing the values
of this largely middle-class - and, at the beginning, predominantly
white - group, but also as having grown steadily over the years. He
began, for example, by accepting racial segregation, which was the
norm in the South when he grew up; but he soon began to insist on
full integration of his revival meetings - well before the subject
became a high-profile social issue in the US.
Again, although a vehement anti-Communist early in his career,
he eventually came to see world peace as a more important
The research behind this tome has been deep and wide. The author
has chosen to include large quantities of often repetitive
evidence, which may make the book something of a slog for readers
who do not happen to be admirers of Dr Graham, but may afford a
kind of hagiographical pleasure for those who are. Scholars of
20th-century religion will find the material useful in the study of
the period, and of a man who, as Wacker argues, had an important
part to play in the shaping of neo-Evangelicalism and its move away
from the political detachment of fundamentalism to become a
significant voice in the public arena.
The Revd Dr L. William Countryman is Emeritus Professor of
New Testament at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in
Berkeley, California.