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Kikuyu and Muslims

28 February 2014

February 27th, 1914.

A BY-PRODUCT of the Kikuyu controversy is a Protest of Mohammedans against the attitude of Christian missions towards the religion of Islam. That religion, they maintain, is as pure as Christianity, if indeed it is not a purer faith. They protest against the policy of the Christian bodies in East Africa of sinking their differences in order to present a stronger front to a common enemy, as they regard the followers of the Prophet. It would not surprise us if some of those who talk glibly about Kikuyu were to press the undenominational argument as justifying either the inclusion of Mohammedans in a common Church based upon the acceptance of a common belief in a Deity, or a delimitation of religious areas that would leave Mohammedans untouched within their particular sphere of influence. The former of these methods would apply the principle of Undenominationalism, which, in the last resort, must knock away first one of its foundations and then another till it is left with one solitary basis, a vague belief in one Supreme Being. We cannot conceive of a Mohammedan substituting for his own religion a form of Christianity that treats as of no importance the use or non-use of the Christian Sacraments, and draws no distinction between a Church with lineal descent from its Founder and so-called Churches that have been formed by local congregations or at the instance of some leader of a revolt from the historic Church. We can understand the surrender of his devotion to the Catholic Faith, with its unbroken tradition and its definite belief.

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