A TORRENTIAL downpour drove them inside the parish church, when
their aim had been a picnic on the beach. The Loaves and Fishes
project, in Blackburn diocese, had involved as
many towns and villages, schools, businesses, and organisations in
the Morecambe Bay area as possible, culminating, on Whit Monday,
with a blessing on the beach on Arnside promenade.
All the coastal communities of the area had been asked to host
Loaves and Fishes meals of fish and seafood, offering them to
people of all faiths and none, to celebrate the gifts of God in the
natural world. "What we hope for from this project", John Rodwell,
who chairs the diocesan Environmental Group, said, "isa better
awareness of the good things nature provides, and the fragile
nature of the world we share with other creatures."
They also hoped the project would provide an opportunity for
local fishmongers and bakers to promote their wares with better
sourcing and sustainable production.