NOWADAYS, the subject matter might be a politician allegedly
calling a policeman a pleb. Three hundred years ago, the scandal
that rocked the ruling class involved a nobleman's cutting a lock
of hair from the head of his beloved without her permission. But in
the hands of Alexander Pope, the affair becomes the subject of one
of the great poetic satires in English literature.
The Rape of the Lock is 300 years old, and to celebrate
that fact Ian Hislop presented The Verse That Stings
(Radio 4, Sunday), which discussed not just Pope, but the whole
position of the satirist and the Establishment. The society in
which Pope operated was the first in England in which poets could
make a living entirely from writing, and he found that he could
thrive through patronage.
Looking to the Latin satirists for inspiration, Pope and his
peers did not spare the sinner in decrying the sin. His
protagonists in The Rape of the Lock are easily
identifiable as the leading Roman Catholic aristocrats of the
Inevitably, the question arose of the satirists' relationship
with their victims; and both Hislop and his guest Armando Iannucci
(the writer of the TV series The Thick of It) stand in
that awkward position of being critical of, and welcomed into, the
circles they hope to rile. One of the reasons why this balance can
be maintained is because people recognise the characteristics being
satirised - not in themselves, but in colleagues.
Another reason is that they simply occupy a different
Establishment: one that is entirely self-sustaining, and whose
currency is a cultural capital just as enriching as the political
capital sought by public servants.
One figure travelling in a more distant orbit in the celebrity
cosmos is John Shuttleworth, aka Graham Fellows, whose home-made
take on cabaret-style radio is presented in John Shuttleworth's
Lounge Music (Radio 4, Sunday). In this, Shuttleworth's latest
series, he invites pop has-beens into his house; to celebrate
Last week, it was the turn of a band, the '80s sensation Heaven
17; and, to their credit, Martyn Ware and Glenn Gregory were
charming participants in the Shuttleworth fantasy-world, exchanging
sex, drugs, and synthesised pop for "fun and frolics in the
conservatory". Any pretensions to greatness were swiftly despatched
with bathos by their host: when one of the band declared that one
of their singles had been the biggest-selling single in the United
States, the lightning question came: "So have you got an ISA?"
The kind of low-budget creation that Shuttleworth offers may
prove to be a template for serious radio shows in the future, if
the cutbacks to the BBC's programme-making funding continue. On
Feedback (Radio 4, Friday), Roger Bolton discussed with
the Director of News, James Harding, the prospect for high-level
journalism, when 415 jobs are disappearing from news (and more than
100 being created in digital).
Mr Harding's job is to put a good spin on a dire situation; but
there was something particularly desperate about his espousal of a
new, localised model for news reporting: the BBC is, after all,
about Swindon as much as it is about Syria.