St George's Cathedral: Heritage and witness
Mary Bock and Judith Gordon, editors
PreText Publishing £19.99*
Church Times Bookshop £18 (Use code CT366
THIS is a collection of essays and reflections, from about 16
authors, concerning every aspect of the Anglican cathedral in Cape
It is magnificently produced and sumptuously illustrated. Here
are full details of the physical historyof the cathedral, its
design, and its development. It is a splendid guidebook to a fine
building. But it is very much more. More than half of the book is
about the people and the city that the cathedral has been
A cathedral in a big South African city plays a very different
part in its life from its English counterparts. It is the public
presence of a minority denomination, with no official status in the
nation. It may have an appearance of grandeur and social
importance, but, especially during the apartheid years, it has
stood as a massive contradiction, at the heart of the city, against
the dominant culture that has ruled every aspect of every citizen's
life. It has been the only large building in the city which has
been open and accessible and available to people of every race and
Anglicanism has had a particular advantage in this setting.
Underthe apartheid regime, its parish churches may have been
unofficially segregated, if only because of the segregation of
populations by law. But these parishes all come under the authority
of the one diocesan bishop and one diocesan synod; and at their
heart is one diocesan cathedral.
This has been the privilege and burden of St George's Cathedral,
Cape Town, and the core of this book is a testimony to its
fulfilment of this demanding vocation, under the leadership of holy
and courageous deans. It has been a refuge for displaced persons, a
venue for confrontations with the police,and a gathering-place for
dedi-cated worship and witness, recognised across the world as
"Tutu's church".
The cathedral's witness continues in the new order in South
Africa. The writers acknowledge that there is much still to do. A
recent contributor notes that St George's is the Mother Church for
the whole South African Church, but still "feels quite Eurocentric"
- or, as I used to feel it to be, more English than African - in
spite of being in a city where English is only the third most
commonly spoken language. But now its worship is offered in at
least three languages. Its history continues, in its pilgrimage
from "colonial church" to "people's cathedral".
In the past 30 years, Deans of St George's have taken to heart
the valuable list of "roles for a cathedral" offered by Albert van
den Heuwel from the World Council of Churches (who was an inspiring
visitor to our student community fifty years ago). Anyone who has
responsibility for a great church building would do well to reflect
on this list. The "roles for a cathedral", as quoted in the essay
by Dean Colin James, are: a temple of dialogue; a theatre for basic
drama; a symbol of diversity in unity; a broadcasting station for
the voiceof the poor; a tower of reconciliation; a clinic for the
public exorcism of pessimism; a sign of pro-existence; a hut of the
shepherd; an international exchange; a motel for pilgrims; and a
house of vicarious feasts.
The book as a whole offers a standard by which any book abouta
great church should be judged.
The Rt Revd John Dudley Davies is Honorary Assistant Bishop
in the diocese of St Asaph, and a former Bishop of Shrewsbury. He
was a mission priest and university chaplain in South Africa,
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