RE Council appoints first patrons
Former EastEnder: the actor and film-maker, Deepak Verma,
at the GG2 Leadership and Diversity awards, in London, in
Former EastEnder: the actor and film-maker, Deepak Verma,
at the GG2 Leadership and Diversity awards, in London, in
THE entrepreneur and founder of the Cobra beer company, Lord
Bilmoria, a Zoroastrian; the comedian and actor Sara Pascoe; and
the actor and film-maker Deepak Verma are among the first patrons
appointed by the Religious Education Council, it was announced last
The group also includes the Vice-chancellor of the University of
Winchester, Professor Joy Carter; the head teacher of Watford
Grammar School for Girls, Dame Helen Hyde, a government adviser on
Holocaust education; Kenny Frederick, who has recently retired as
head of George Green's School, east London; and the broadcaster and
interfaith spokesman Lord Singh of Wimbledon.
They will provide commentary and public support for religious
education in schools, which, Lord Singh said last week, explained
the commonality of values shared by religious and non-religious
beliefs. Dr Joyce Miller, who chairs the RE Council, said that the
various backgrounds of the new patrons demonstrated the broad range
of support for RE.
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