WHEN I ask people where and how they experience God, most of
them will tell me a story about being in a natural environment.
Whether it is a sunset, the view from a mountain, or the song of a
bird, people see, hear, and feel God through God's creation.
Recognising God's presence in nature does not mean that the
things of creation are God. Obviously, a tree is not God:
first of all, a tree doesn't do much other than be a tree; and,
second, when the tree dies, we do not say that God is dead.
There are multitudes of ways to pray with the natural world. The
natural world surrounds you, and you can begin this prayer by
noticing this world anew. The part of the country where I now live
offers up some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises I have
ever seen. Yet when I talk to people here about these beautiful
celestial displays, what I sometimes hear is that they have stopped
looking at them.
Perhaps you already take walks in a park or around your
neighbourhood. The next time you do this, look up; see the sky.
Look at the trees or the flowers. Listen for the birds. Then draw
your attention to the one who created all this. Realise that God is
all around you. Ask yourself: "Do I see Christ in the birds and
hear the Spirit in the wind?" As you ask the question, allow
yourself to be drawn into the silence of prayer. Listen for the
voice of Jesus.
Your relationship with food holds another opportunity for prayer
with nature. Unfortunately, more and more people relate to food in
the way a car relates to fuel: they zoom into the service station,
fill up, and zoom off. But your eating and meal-preparation present
rich avenues for prayer.
As you prepare and eat a meal, take the time to think about your
food. Everything you are eating came from the earth. Everything was
nourished by the sun and the rain and the care of a person who
spent many hours growing the food. Feel the love and the care that
live in each bite you take. Allow gratitude to arise in you. This
is what St Francis of Assisi felt as he wrote: "Praised be my Lord
for brother wind, And for the air and clouds and fair and every
kind of weather, By the which Thou givest to Thy creatures
Maybe this attention will prompt you to notice and change
unhealthy eating habits. Perhaps you will realise that you desire
to eat more slowly, or you may want to take the time to eat and
prepare fresher and more nourishing food. These desires reflect the
presence of a loving God, of one who formed you from the earth and
nourishes you with the earth.
A third way to pray with nature is to practise another type of
prayer in a natural setting. For example, while on a solitary hike,
I often stop and spend time in silent prayer. I also use bike rides
as a time to practise the examen after a Sunday service or a
planning meeting. During these times of prayer, the presence of God
in nature reinforces my other prayer practices.
As you practise a variety of prayers in nature, you will find
yourself more drawn to prayer whenever you are outside, when you
are cooking, or any time you encounter the natural world. This
tendency often develops when people are on retreat in a beautiful
natural setting. The more the retreatants pray, the more they are
drawn into the created world where they can hear God speaking to
This is the last of four edited extracts from Creating
a Life with God: The call of ancient prayer practices by Daniel
Wolpert (BRF, £7.99; CT Bookshop £7.20); 978-0-85746-