The Book of Common Prayer: A biography
Alan Jacobs
Princeton University Press £16.95
Church Times Bookshop £15.25 (Use code
CT639 )
WITHIN a mere 200 pages, one could not wish for a more engaging
introduction to the history of the Prayer Book. It is beautifully
written and produced, and would make a perfect gift to go (say)
with John Drury's Music at Midnight: Thelife and poetry of
George Herbert. I say this, because access to the temper of
English devotional writing such as one finds treated in the St
Andrews Studies in Reformation History is being progressively cut
off by the contemporary Bonfire of the Humanities: English teaching
that barely reaches back more than two centuries, offers
"Shakespeare" in modernised versions, and does not require you to
read a book; and history-teaching focused on recent events, served
up in memorised formulae that require no coherent understanding. To
understand the Prayer Book (and English politics) you do
need to have heard of the Reformation and the
Civil War.
In his concluding chapters,Alan Jacobs, Distinguished Professor
of the Humanities at Baylor Baptist University, considers the
social, linguistic, and liturgical changes that led in the 1970s to
the eclipse of the Prayer Book after its time of greatest influence
in the 19th century, an influence in part due to the Tractarians,
and to the advance of empire and the Anglo-sphere.
He attends to the needs of wartime and the mission field, the
tensions created by attempts to control physical bodies through
rubrics governing ornaments, the entanglement of the Prayer Book in
the staid formalities of certain kinds of class structure, the
shifts in language use, the accumulation of liturgical scholarship,
and the demolition work of Gregory Dix in promoting structure at
the expense of expression.
Understandably, he does not consider the point made by John
Habgood: how can clergy be immune to a general trahison des
clercs? Nor does he focus on the unreal politics of ecumenism
which drove many of the revisers.
In his earlier chapters, Jacobs handsomely acknowledges Brian
Cummings's Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer, and
the historical work of Judith Maltby. He expertly navigates the
constant political changes that affected the Prayer Book, from the
moment Cranmer first recreated the Litany in English in the 1540s
to the work of Sanderson and Cosin after the Great Ejection in
1662. He also evokes the indifference in the 18th century, the
clash between the emotional rhetoric of a figure such as Whitefield
and the sober piety of the Prayer Book, the strange link between
the American and the Scots Episcopalians after the American
Revolution, and the low point of practice in the opening decades of
the 19th century. This is a triumph of compression and
The Revd Dr David Martin is Emeritus Professor of Sociology
at the London School of Economics.