IN 1881 a public cemetery was opened at Swindon, and at no time
since then has a portion of the ground been consecrated by the
Bishop. At last, local Churchmen have decided to make the demand
which the law entitles them to make. The vestries of three of the
parish churches have petitioned the Town Council to assign a
portion of the cemetery area for consecration in due form. At the
Council meeting last week the question was brought up for
discussion, when various Councillors and Aldermen delivered
themselves of the usual fatuous argument against labelling people
when they are dead. But, if they will so label themselves when they
are living, we fail to see what further harm is done by continuing
the label after their death. This, however, is not the real point.
Churchpeople, whether rightly or wrongly, prefer being laid in
consecrated ground, and they possess the right, which the State is
prepared to enforce in their favour, to have a portion of a public
burying-ground set apart for ever with sacred rites performed by a
Bishop. To interfere with that right is to be guilty of religious
intolerance. The worthy and wordy Councillors who opposed the
claims of the rate-paying Churchpeople are entitled to their own
opinions on the needlessness of consecration, and one can only
regret that their minds should be constituted as they are. But when
they refuse, as they refused last week, to recognize the rights of
a section of the ratepayers, there is nothing to be said but that
they are actuated by bigotry. We hope, therefore, that the Swindon
Churchpeople will not leave a stone unturned until they have
secured the fulfilment of their just demand.