God the Revealed: Christology
Michael Welker
Eerdmans £19.99
Church Times Bookshop £18 (Use code CT477
ONE of the reasons why our withers remained relatively unwrung
by the assaults of the New Atheists is that the Christian tradition
had long been subjected to rigorous self-criticism by its own
theologians, not least in Germany. Michael Welker from Heidelberg
now gives us his mature reflections on Christology in an expanded
version of his 2004 Gunning Lectures at New College, Edinburgh.
It is well translated, though the underlying Germanic
sentence-construction sometimes makes for hard going. Still, it is
worth persisting; for this is a masterly summary of international
and ecumenical work from Schweitzer until now, and "This present
Christology seeks an alternative to the open or concealed
dissolution of Christian faith that comes about in subjectivist
faith and theistic metaphysics."
He starts with Bonhoeffer's question, "Who is Jesus Christ for
us today?", takes us through the first quest for the historical
Jesus, gives short shrift to the excessive scepticism of the
second, and builds upon the third as a basis for greater optimism
about what is actually known. Still, "queries concerning the
historical Jesus cannot alone yield Christology." He pleads for
multiple approaches, and bases his own conclusions on exhaustive
study of the resurrection and the Cross, while saying little about
the nativity.
In order to establish a "high Christology", he makes extensive
use of Calvin's doctrine of the threefold office of Christ (royal,
priestly, and prophetic). The claim that the resurrected Christ
pours out his Spirit upon his followers leads both to a high
pneumatology and also to the doctrine of the Trinity. He makes a
fascinating transition to the implications for our own
discipleship, deriving our obligation to lead diaconal lives from
our sharing in the royal office of Christ. He emphasises the
doctrinal significance both of early worshipof Jesus as Lord and of
the representation of Christ in the sacraments of baptism and
eucharist today, drawing heavily and rightly upon the treasury of
recent ecumenical convergence documents.
I would have liked a little more on the "value and limits" of
the Chalcedonian two-natures doctrine, where he writes
appreciatively of the work of Sarah Coakley, and on the Parousia,
where he has clearly benefited from his long co-operation with John
Polkinghorne. But here already are riches indeed; and the
occasional modulation into homiletic mode witnesses to a keen and
principled engagement not only with the olive grove of Academe, but
also with the Church and the world.
The Very Revd Dr John Arnold is a former Dean of