ON BALANCE, the Church should be grateful to Archbishop Vincent
Nichols for angering some really powerful people over the weekend.
He kept the House of Bishops statement on gay marriage largely out
of the papers - though I think there was also a strong sense that
the opinion of the House of Bishops was not really of interest to
anyone. This is quite worrying for people concerned about the
cultural establishment of the Church.
So is the curious coverage of Archbishop Welby's Synod speech.
Perhaps it's just me, but the stuff about walking among unburied
corpses and standing beside mass graves in South Sudan seemed
obviously fascinating. No one, so far as I could see, got any of it
into the papers. This may be because people don't care about South
Sudan. But I think it is also a measure of uncelebrity. Had it been
a comedian, a musician, or even a politician who had talked about
such experiences, his or her fame would have illuminated an
otherwise dull story.
When there is nothing incongruous or remarkable in an
Archbishop's doing something genuinely brave, it's a sign that such
behaviour is so unexpected that it doesn't register at all. In
part, this is because he travelled without journalists, but that
can't be the only reason.
I think that Benedict Brogan, who interviewed Archbishop Nichols
for the Telegraph, was a little surprised by the result.
Certainly he led with the Archbishop's having learned of his
elevation to the cardinalate from his iPad, and not with his
attacks on government policy. Even here the argument was presented
as one about means, not ends: "His priests, though, tell him the
safety net has been removed - 'destroyed' - and that the
administration of welfare is 'punitive'. That's why, he says, food
banks - 'scandalously' - have become so popular.
"It is noticeable that he does not question the need for reform,
either of spending or of social security. His criticism is
specific: are the reforms being properly administered, and in
particular is there an inherent cruelty in a system that sends
people away without support for days on end?
"'I wouldn't for a minute say it's the intended effect, but
otherwise why would there be this remarkable increase in people
having to come to food banks?' he asks. 'There shouldn't be people
living with nothing, in destitution, in a country which is as
prosperous as this.'
"He is equally critical of politicians on immigration. He
accuses all leaders of talking up fear, and being 'quite distant
from the precepts of the gospel. . . Fear is being fed for
political gain.' He doesn't name them, but it is clear that in his
eyes David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage all
have a case to answer."
None of this is terribly surprising to anyone familiar with the
Roman Catholic Church in this country, but there is, I think, a
general belief that it is only Anglican bishops who are supposed to
be Lefties. Roman Catholics - and this is largely the result of the
incidental fighting over women priests - are meant to be reliably
reactionary by contrast. The Telegraph knows better
The other moral is that the next time Archbishop Welby visits
Sudan, if he wants his visit to make news, he should make sure to
take a selfie with corpses, and tell us which model of phone he
used to do it.
OTHERWISE, he could try to ensure that the coffins used in mass
graves have the right sponsors. The Mail had a rather
depressing story about a woman who died of cancer and chose to be
buried in a coffin advertising over-priced coffee: "Her family
commissioned a coffin in Costa's trademark burgundy colour with the
brand's livery on the side along with the words of her favourite
order: 'one shot, extra hot skinny latte'. The coffin was carried
into the church to the sound of 'More than a Woman', and, following
the service, was carried out to 'Viva Las Vegas'."
It's clear from the photographs that the service took place in
church, but the name took a little digging: it was, in fact, Christ
Church, Swindon, although that was not her parish. But her parish
church could not have had room for the 450 people who turned up for
her funeral.
THERE were a couple of rather premature pieces in the
Telegraph and The Guardian about who is to be the
first woman bishop. The Telegraph (Peter Stanford) went
for Rose Hudson-Wilkin, while The Guardian preferred
Vivienne Faull. Bear in mind when reading these things that there
are at least 20 women who would make good bishops and, to judge by
the men appointed, flamboyance and newsworthiness are not what the
selectors are looking for in the first place, although evidence of
fecundity is always useful.
Of course, the newsdesk's ideal candidate would be a Muslim.