Archdeacons to retire
THE Ven. Roger Combes, Archdeacon of Horsham,
in Chichester diocese, since 2003, will retire on 30 June. Before
his present appointment, he had held posts in that diocese since
The Ven. Christopher Sims, Archdeacon of
Walsall, in Lichfield dicoese, since 2009, will retire on 30
September. Before his present appointment, he had held posts
successively in Birmingham, Carlisle and Lichfield dioceses.
EVANS. The Revd Rupert Evans, Assistant Curate
of All Saints', Crowborough (Chichester).
FEAK. The Revd Christopher Feak, Area Dean of
East Wight, remaining Priest-in-Charge of Sandown and of Lower
Sandown (Portsmouth).
SAUNDERS. The Revd Bruce Saunders, Sub-Dean and
Canon Pastor of Southwark Cathedral, and Curate-in-Charge of St
Hugh's Charterhouse Mission Conventional District, Bermondsey
(Southwark): 30 June, becoming Canon Emeritus.
WALKER. The Revd Andrew Walker,
Priest-in-Charge of St Michael's, Lewes (Chichester).