THE fire in the Manchester and Cheshire Dogs' Home last weekend
prompted an outpouring of generosity that surprised many, raising
£1.5 million within two or three days. The Revd Mike McGurk judged
the mood correctly, giving people in the neighbourhood a chance to
mourn for the dogs who died in the fire. Comments on the JustGiving
site give an indication of the emotions behind the donations:
"R.I.P. sweet souls. You did nothing wrong in your lives and you
were loved and are loved. I'm so sorry." "R.I.P. all those
beautiful dogs that didnt make it, God Bless u all xxx get well
quick all the injured doggies xx." "Need all the help they can get
for Manchester & Cheshire Dogs Homes because no animal deserves
to suffer!" There are several references to the "rainbow bridge", a
poetical idea developed in the 1980s or early '90s of a pleasant
limbo for pets until their owners die and come to collect them.
The British are well known for their preference for animals over
humans. Innocence is an important element: the feeling that, having
domesticated certain animals, and damaged the habitat of others, we
have a responsibility for their well-being. This is laudable,
though the fierce sentimentality that is sometimes evinced is
incomprehensible to many. Sentiment, however, is at the core of
many acts of generosity. Charitable giving in response to urgent
appeals is nothing new. The world-view is that everything is
basically OK, and that people are normally able to look after
themselves, or, if not, covered by taxes. This, though, allows for
occasional disasters, as long as they are not too frequent or too
intractable. What worries the established aid agencies is that the
public's attention span seems to be getting ever shorter. And new
phenomena have come into play, such as the YouTube gimmick (viz
ice-buckets), or the attractiveness of the asker, for example
Stuart Sutton, who raised £5 million for teenage cancer through his
honest social-media diary. Like the world's climate, the charity
sector appears to be experiencing more extreme giving patterns.
Attitudes to climate change point up the missing factor in
British generosity: connected thought. Many of those who responded
spontaneously to the dogs' home fire will own pets. They will,
therefore, have greatly increased their carbon footprint, even if
they don't drive their dogs off for a walk in a large diesel car.
This week, the UK Government was criticised for allowing pollution
to increase, despite earlier pledges. Next week brings another
attempt to get the world's leaders to take climate change
seriously. Since the people who donated to the dogs' home love
wildlife, they ought to be at the forefront of the campaign to
curtail the human activities that place so many species in such
jeopardy. To raise £1.5 million so quickly is a tribute to an
impulsive generosity. With a little more thought, this energy could
save the lives of countless more animals.