THE Dean of St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, the Very Revd Phillip
Jensen, has announced that he will resign at the end of the
Dean Jensen, who is 70 next year, will take up a position with a
new company, Two Ways Ministries, based at Moore Theological
College, Sydney. The company's objective is to "recruit and train
the next generation in preaching the gospel by teaching the Bible",
Dean Jensen wrote in a blog post.
Dean Jensen, the brother of the former Archbishop of Sydney, Dr
Peter Jensen, took up his appointment as Dean in 2003. His sermon
at his installation caused controversy when he said that all
religions could not be right. He said that, if the religions of
Muslims, Hindus, and Jews were wrong, then they were the "deceits
of Satan".
In 2008, when Pope Benedict XVI visited Sydney for World Youth
Day, Dean Jensen wrote a newspaper column criticising the Roman
Catholic Church.