IN ORDER to give effect to a previous diocesan-synod motion from
Southwell & Nottingham to permit children to assist in the
distribution of holy communion, and for parishes, if a bishop
consented, to decide for themselves who assisted with the
distribution, it was necessary to change Canon B12, said
the Revd Alan Jeans (Salisbury).
This was because the Canon referred to "lay people specially
authorised by the bishop".
The Draft Amending Canon was "a necessary preliminary step
towards implementing" the diocesan motion.
If the wording of the Canon wasn't changed, the Synod could not
make any regulations that would allow an incumbent,
priest-in-charge, or rural dean, acting with the support of a PCC
in a vacancy, to permit somebody to distribute communion in the
parish; or a head teacher in the case of a school.
Amending the Canon was merely the first step, and Regulations
would need to be approved at a later date.
After questions from Canon Chris Lilley
(Lincoln) about safeguarding, the Draft Amending Canon was sent to
a revision committee.