Mary, Help of Christians: an image by Mark Weichard,
commissioned for the RC diocese of Townsville, Australia, is one of
the illustrations for Marie T. Farrell's chapter, "The Australian
Scene: Ecumenism and the Mother of God", in Mary, Mirror of All
Virtues, edited by Peter Marr. This book gives the texts of
talks from the March 2013 Ecumenical Pilgrimage at Walsingham.
Others are by Jonathan Baker, Margaret Barker, Thomas Bruch, Philip
Corbett, Dominic Cosslett, Esme Howard, Kallistos Ware, Bernard
Longley, Nick Mayhew-Smith, Nigel McNeill, Mark Rowland, John
Salter, Adam Stevenson, and Mark Woodruff (£12.99 incl. UK p&p
from the publisher, Ecumenical Marian Pilgrimage Trust, 31 Kingsley
Road, Plymouth PL4 6QP). A CD of images is also included. The talks
ranged widely, from the "The Lady in the Temple" to Mary in
Lutheranism, and the work of the ecumenist H. J. Fynes-Clinton