AN ECUMENICAL movement encouraging all Christians to become
blood- and organ- donors, based on the UK's "fleshandblood" (FAB)
campaign (News, 1 February
2013), was enthusiastically supported at the General Synod.
"Don't be squeamish. Even in death your body could be used as a
gift," the Archbishop of Armagh, Dr Richard
Clarke, said.
Proposing a motion that would sign up the Church of Ireland as
an associate of FAB, the Revd Adrian Dorrian
(Dundela, Down) said that it would highlight ways that groups and
individuals could get involved locally. "It is not intended to be
something that makes us feel good about ourselves," he said, "but
something that we can offer that is of benefit to others, and is
deeply personal.
"When . . . 1000 people per year die in Great Britain waiting
for organ transplants, and nearly a quarter of a million new
blood-donors are needed every year, the need could not be more
apparent. For the Church of Ireland to become an associate of FAB,
all we have to do is to commit to supporting and encouraging a
great organisation."