THE hobby of amateur radio - which combines electronics,
communication, and geography - has an image for many people that
stems from Tony Hancock's superlative piece of comedy, The
Radio Ham. (In fact, most of those who engage with the hobby
of amateur radio prefer the term "radio amateur" to "ham".)
Being a radio amateur is a rather odd hobby, because it is all
about communicating with others around the world, and yet much for
much of it you are on your own. But amateur radio is also about
Morse code; amateur television; computer-based communications with,
at the upper end of the hobby, satellite; and space-bounce
Transceivers range from the small "hand-held" variety (costing
less than £30) that can be found nestling in the anorak pocket of
many an amateur, through to car-radio-type devices (£150 and
upwards), up to splendid things that turn a room into something
that would grace a James Bond set (starting at £250). The many
secondhand bits of kit on offer on eBay and in local shops make
this an easy hobby to begin.
Having a rig is only part of the story, however, because, once
you have one, you will need an aerial to transmit and listen
through. The aerial is the ears of the set-up, and the bigger your
ears, the more you'll hear. The art of amateur radio comes in the
ability to communicate as far as possible, using the least power
possible, and this is where learning antenna design and the
subtleties of radio come to the fore.
Becoming a radio amateur is relatively simple, and many begin in
the hobby by buying a receiver and listening for a while before
taking the plunge and going for a licence. We call people who do
this "short-wave listeners", and there are a number who engage in
this as a hobby in its own right.
Once you have decided that you would like to transmit, the best
course of action is to find a radio club. The easiest way to do
this is on the Radio Society of Great Britain's website: Most clubs run training courses, and it will take
only a few lessons before youhave enough under your belt to take
the amateur radio foundation exam (fee £27.50), and gain your basic
Although it might appear solitary, over the years I have worked
with the Radio Amateur Emergency Network and provided
communications for sporting, community, and other events, and
proved myself useful when emergencies and disasters occurred,
The good news is that the hobby is there when you want it to be;
for it is global, and the friends you gain make it a hobby that
delivers a great deal of entertainment. There are Christian groups,
such as the World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and
Listeners (
Better still, if you have an interest in technology, and would
like to construct your own equipment and communicate around the
world (or just up the road), then amateur radio has even more to
commend it as a hobby. Just try to forget that image of the