CIVIC, business, and ecclesiastical leaders from across
Chester diocese turned up to the launch of
Transforming Lives Together (TLT). Among them were the Lord
Lieutenant, David Briggs; the Bishop of Chester, Dr Peter Forster;
David Rutley MP; the Executive Chair of the Church Urban Fund, Paul
Hackwood; and the Archdeacon of Macclesfield, the Ven. Ian
TLT is a joint initiative between the diocese and the Church
Urban Fund. It seeks to tackle poverty by building relationships
between communities and voluntary groups, especially churches.
Representatives from charities and civic groups were also at the
event, which was hosted by Cre8, an organisation that tries to
empower young people and adults to make change happen for
themselves and for their local neighbourhoods. Besides hearing
about the work and future plans for TLT, the Bishop and the Lord
Lieutenant made music together (above).
The Revd Jenny Mayo-Lythal, who is the TLT Development Worker,
was delighted by the success of the event. "I was really pleased
that people could attend the launch and kick-start this exciting
new venture. With the support of so many civic groups. Community
agencies and charities, we can start to make a real difference to
people whose lives are affected by poverty."