WILL you help to train a priest? Will you follow the inspiring
example of those who have already given to the Church
Times Train-A-Priest (TAP) Fund this Lent?
Since our unique Lenten appeal was launched last week, £1323.25
has already arrived, bringing this year's total so far to
£11,514.89. Every ordinand, married or single, receives a TAP grant
if he or sheis in full-time training for the priesthood in the C of
In addition, ten per cent of every donation goes into the
Special Hardship Fund, to support any ordinand training for the
priesthood - in a college, in a course, or an OLM scheme - who
experiences unforeseen financial difficulties.
How to give
YOU can give by cheque, postal orders, cash, and charity
cheque. But many of our readers findthat the simplest way to give
is by means of the online giving page: www.hymnsam.co.uk/train-a-priest.aspx.
This is a secure page, andso your donation can be
Please send other donations to our Norwich office: TAP
Fund, Church Times, 13a Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich NR6
5DR. If you would like an acknowledgement, please enclose a stamped
addressed envelope.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase your donation
by making a Gift Aid declaration. You can do this on our online
donations page, or, if sending a cheque, by using the form on this
We encourage churches to hold a special collection or
fund-raising effort. Please set us know about them. A colour
leaflet can be downloaded here (PDF).