A REFLECTION for every day is offered by Bernard Dive, editor,
in Through the Year with Newman. The passages that
he has chosen concentrate mainly on matters relevant to all
Christians rather than on the controversies in which the Cardinal
was involved (Burns & Oates, £10.99 (£9.90);
In Celtic Christian Spirituality, Mary Earle
has taken a number of texts from the Celtic tradition, ancient and
contemporary, and grouped by subject: creation, prayer,
incarnation, daily life and work, soul friends, pilgrimage, social
justice, and blessing as a way of life. Alongside each short
passage, on the facing page, she has added explanations (SPCK,
£9.99 (£9); 978-0-281-06707-7).
Fifteen Days of Prayer with Saint John of the
Cross is designed to help readers, if new to prayer, to
find a place where it becomes possible, or, if not, to move into a
deeper spirituality. Each extract of St John's writings is
accompanied with a commentary written by Constant Tonnelier and
questions for reflection (New City, £8.95 (£8.05);
Forgiveness gives a short reflection on a Bible
passage and a spiritual exercise for every day of four weeks. Joan
Mueller aims to meet the needs of those who are struggling to find
healing for specific wounds, and of Christians looking to make
forgiveness a daily spiritual practice (New City Press, £5.95
(£5.35); 978-1-56548-426-9).