I Never Knew That about England's Country
Churches by Christopher Winn (Ebury Press, £10.99
(£9.90); 978-0-09-194525-1).
Part of the One Church? The ordination of women and
Anglican identity by Roger Greenacre, and edited by Colin
Podmore (Canterbury Press, £24.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER
PRICE £19.99); 978-1-84825-6279).
Beauty Spirit Matter: Icons in the modern
world by Aidan Hart (Gracewing, £14.99 (£13.50);
Mammon's Kingdom: An essay on Britain,
now by David Marquand (Allen Lane, £20 (£18);
A Director's Cut: An Abbot Peter mystery
by Simon Parke (DLT, £8.99 (£8.10);
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which
operates the Church Times Bookshop.