From Miss Prudence Dailey
Sir, - There has been much discussion of the inadequacies of the
proposed new baptism rite, but surprisingly little has been said
about its most serious failing: namely, the lack of any clear
statement of baptismal regeneration, the sacramental washing away
of original sin, and rebirth in Christ, in baptism - a deficiency
that also afflicts the current Common Worship baptism
The upshot of the Gorham Judgment of 1850 was that a clergyman
could not be refused institution to a living on the grounds of his
denial of baptismal regeneration; but it does not follow that the
official liturgy of the Church of England can legitimately gloss
over this key Anglican doctrine. The doctrine of the Church of
England is to be found in its formularies (the Book of Common
Prayer, the 1662 Ordinal and the Thirty-Nine Articles); and
baptismal regeneration is clearly referenced not only in the Prayer
Book baptism service itself, but also in the catechism and in
Articles IX and XVI.
It is unfortunate that, in drafting the proposed new text, the
opportunity was not taken to rectify this omission. Meanwhile,
those who take this aspect of the doctrine of the Church of England
seriously will continue to find refuge in the baptism rite in the
Book of Common Prayer.
Chairman, The Prayer Book Society
15 Northfield Road
Headington, Oxford OX3 9EW