PARTS of the Church of England follow the Western Catholic
custom of dedicating the month of May to the Virgin Mary. This
year, three C of E primary schools in Camden Town,
London, came together on 10 May for a day of
learning about Mary and pilgrimage.
Year 4 children from Hampstead Parochial C of E School; Holy
Trinity and St Silas School; and St Michael's School, Camden Town,
all gathered at St Michael's School to make banners and pilgrim
badges, and to learn new music, as well as "fascinating facts about
Mary and pilgrimage", the head teacher at Hampstead Parochial
School, the Revd Simon Atkinson, says.
Fortunately, it was a sunny day, and they concluded with a
procession, carrying their banners through the streets of Camden to
Holy Trinity Church for the closing service.