THE choir of Southwell Minster had plenty of
extra exercise early in May. On the Sunday before Ascension Day
(Rogation Sunday), the traditional Rogationtide procession was
held, beginning with a service in the cathedral and then going out
through the lanes (above) to Brackenhurst Campus, part of
Nottingham Trent University.
The procession through the countryside included prayers, hymns,
and thanksgiving for all aspects of rural life, including
livestock. They stopped to pray beside fields of sheep and cattle,
and even met some of them at the campus, where they were joined by
students and staff.
It was an opportunity, the Dean of Southwell, the Very Revd John
Guille, said, to join with the university staff and students "to
celebrate all that God gives us through the land and livestock they
care for".
On Ascension Day, the choristers were up early, and, instead of
their usual morning rehearsal, they had climbed to the top of the
minster's tower by 7.30 a.m. to sing traditional Ascension Day