FIFTY years after C. S. Lewis's death, Lion Hudson has brought
out a new edition of a reference book whose first form in Britain
was The C. S. Lewis Handbook (Monarch, 1990). It is now
The A-Z of C. S. Lewis: An encyclopedia of his life,
thought and writings by Colin Duriez (£14.99
(£13.50); 978-0-7459-5586-5), and provides biographical
information and explanation of references found in C. S. Lewis's
The Ideal of Kingship in the Writings of Charles
Williams, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien: Divine kingship is
reflected in Middle-Earth, by Christopher Scarf, is a
study of the work of three Oxford Inklings, which was the subject
of the author's doctorate. There is a commendation on the back
cover from Dr Brian Horne, chairman of the Charles Williams Society
(James Clarke & Co., £25; 978-0-227-17401-2).