A PRIEST in Perth who claimed that a gold and diamond bracelet
he found was legally his, has been publicly reprimanded by the
Archbishop of Perth, the Most Revd Roger Herft.
The Revd Terry McAuliffe, Rector of Woodlands-Wembley Downs,
City Beach, found the bracelet, valued at $A6500, in a car park
earlier this year. Because the police had not traced the owner, Mr
McAuliffe, a former lawyer, claimed ownership under a law that
gives property that is unclaimed after two months to the
Press reports state that, when he subsequently traced the
owners, a couple from Perth, he refused to return the bracelet.
Instead, he said he would return it only if they claimed insurance
for it and gave him half the payout.
Archbishop Herft has been quoted as saying that he found "the
whole story to be quite reprehensible". Once the owner was
established, "the moral code must apply."
After publicity, Mr McAuliffe returned the bracelet, and
apologised to the owners.