From Canon Alex Whitehead
Sir, - I was dismayed by the Revd Gillean Craig's review of
the TV coverage of the recent inauguration ceremonies for the Pope
and the Archbishop of Canterbury, especially his crude literalism
"at the Vatican he [Jesus] was actually there, present on the
altar" (Media, 28
Is not Christ truly present in the opening of the Word? Do we
not hear him speak to us in the proclamation of the gospel?
The fact, that the Canterbury service was not eucharistic surely
helped it to be more ecumenically inclusive, and thus hospitable to
the many representatives present from other Christian traditions,
who may not have felt able to receive holy communion. One of the
clear strengths of Anglicanism has been its rich tradition of
profound non-eucharistic liturgical worship.
I, for one, experienced the real presence of Jesus, even by
watching the Canterbury ceremony on TV.
77 Yarborough Crescent
Lincoln LN1 3NE