From the Secretary of the Liturgical Commission and National
Worship Adviser
Sir, - There is, in fact, no trouble ahead - at least on this
occasion. In response to Mr Culverwell's letter (
21 December): there is no mistake in the lectionary for
Epiphany 2013.
In 2005, the General Synod made some amendments to the
Common Worship Lectionary for Sundays, Principal Feasts and
Festivals, and these were laid out in GS1520A. These
amendments affect the provision for the Sundays of Epiphany when
the Feast of the Epiphany itself falls on a Sunday, as in 2013.
(Detailed notes can be found by visiting, and finding the
link "Note on Lectionary (Epiphany 2013)".)
When the Feast of the Epiphany falls on a Sunday, this means it
is logically the First Sunday of Epiphany. The Feast of the Baptism
of Christ (this year, 13 January) falls on the Second Sunday of
Epiphany, but the readings of the Baptism of Christ are used.
Therefore, on the Third Sunday of Epiphany (this year, 20 January),
the readings of the Second Sunday of Epiphany are used. Similarly,
on the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany (27 January), the readings of the
Third Sunday of Epiphany are used. The readings for the Fourth
Sunday of Epiphany are not used this year.
On Sunday 3 February, either the readings for Candlemas (if
Candlemas is not celebrated on Saturday 2 February) or the readings
for the Second Sunday before Lent are used.
The reasons for these changes relate largely to the importance
of reading 1 Corinthians 12, which is appropriate to the Week of
Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January). The changes also ensure
that John 2 is read during the Epiphany season.
The annual booklet Common Worship: Lectionary Advent 2012 to
the eve of Advent 2013 is, therefore, correct, and can be
followed without any need for adjustment or alteration.
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