THE ancient Church of St
Edburg, Bicester, Oxfordshire, is not only getting ready to install
lavatories and a server, to cater for the rapidly growing numbers
of people who use it, but is facing a huge challenge in dealing
with pew platforms and pews that have rotted. The church plans to
replace all the flooring with stone, at more accessible levels. The
floor will still be here in 500 years, it is hoped, rather than
dissolve into the mire after 100 years, as the Victorian wood has
So here is the new idea.
When the lavatory area is created in 2013, the font will be moved
to a new central location on a line between the west-tower door and
the high altar. And beneath the font, the church is going to bury a
Heritage Box. It will be made of steel, and will be coated with
lead. Local people with a substantial, slight, or no connection
with the church have been invited to put messages into the box. One
day, some future church repairer will dig up the floor, and find
the messages.
It has taken several
months of build-up and publicity. All groups connected with the
church - and people connected through occasional offices in all the
registers - received individually signed letters from the Rector,
inviting their participation. Local newspapers and radio have taken
up the story. Posters are on display, and the church opened
specially for three days of message- writing. Volunteers were on
hand to help.
Each message is written
on acid-free, archival paper (A5), with archival pens. (It would be
no good opening up the box in 500 years to find that the ink had
faded or the paper dissolved.) A number of people asked the
church's stand-by calligrapher to write their message neatly for
them, and some had help devising the message. There are memorials,
prayers, family information, and much more.
This was a fund-raising
activity: the minimum contribution for adding a message was £5. The
most common gift was £20, and several were £500 or more. Messages
and gifts have come from non-churchgoers; a gift from a social club
has been given in memory of a member; and one gift came from a
mourner who spotted the Heritage Box display on his way out. Many
contributors wanted to talk about their loved ones who had
With several thousand
pounds raised, and more still coming in, the Heritage Box was due
to be closed on New Year's Eve, and receive its lead jacket. The
leaflet accompanying the event included a Gift Aid form. That will
generate at least another £1000.
This idea would not suit
those churches that have already replaced their floor with
permanent stone, but others may wish to copy the idea. The key to
success is a really good leaflet that communicates clearly with
non-churchgoers, and contains all the essential information. Then
take time for thorough marketing. Scouring the registers for past
contacts - from funerals, baptisms, weddings - produced well over
1000 names. The Rector signed the letters, volunteers addressed the
envelopes, and, to save postage, members of the congre-gation
delivered almost all of them.
To let the Revd
Maggie Durran know your fund-raising ideas, and your questions and
comments, email
The Village Churches seminar mentioned on 14 December is on
2 (not 3) March. Email Maggie Durran (as above) for more