New titles just published
Echoing the Word: The Bible in the eucharist by
Paula Gooder and Michael Perham (SPCK, £10.99 (£9.90);
How to Be a Bad Christian . . . and a better human
being by Dave Tomlinson (Hodder, £8.99 (£8.10);
978-1-444-70383-2). New in paperback.
Julian of Norwich: Theologian by Denys Turner
(Yale, £13.99 (£12.60); 978-0-300-19255-1). New in
Rescuing the Church from Consumerism by Mark
Clavier (SPCK, £10.99 (£9.90); 978-0-281-07038-1).
Bible Stories Through the Year: Lectionary readings for
year A, retold for maximum effect by Bob Hartman (Monarch,
£12.99 (£11.70); 978-0-85721-329-7).
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which
operates the Church Times Bookshop.